An Open Letter to Billie Eilish

Dear Billie,

Thank you. 

Thank you for taking an honest stance on the way that porn has affected you. 

Thank you for using your platform to speak on an issue that has been forced into the dark. 

Thank you for standing up for the dignity of women and for telling the world that we deserve more than relationships built out of submission and abuse.

Thank you for showing this isn’t just “a men’s issue.” For helping some little girl out there who’s been hiding shamefully in the recesses of her mind understand that there are other women struggling too. That’s she’s not alone.

Whether you know it or not, you have contributed to a shift in how we as a society view pornography. You lifted the curtain and showed your community what places like PornHub really are: breeding grounds for sexual trafficking, abusive relationships, sexual violence, and refusal of consent. By speaking about your own experience and choosing to be vulnerable in a culture that turns a blind eye to use, you have opened the minds of the music industry, all who follow your career, and so many others. 

Pornography is a battle that is too often fought alone, in shame and isolation. But we are seeking to change that, and we could not thank you enough for helping us in this fight. 

You may never see this letter, but your fans might. And we just want to say, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you for sharing your story. It means more than you could ever know, and you’ll always be welcome in our community. 

We’re with you Billie. 


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