Returning to the Garden

It’s the story you were probably introduced to at a young age: Adam, Eve; a garden, a snake, and an apple. You know how it goes.

The Fall is something all of us can relate to. We are all aware to some extent our own brokenness and shortcomings. There is a level of understanding we can have with Adam and Eve after the fall. But I think sometimes on our walk with the Lord we struggle to envision life prior to the fall—life in the garden.

In the Garden of Eden, life was perfect—everyone and everything got along. You could cuddle with a black bear and not get hurt. Every single need you could ever have was provided for—true abundance in every good thing. Not to mention God literally walking around with you (Genesis 3:8). 

Friends, this is what we were made for. You were made for the garden. You were made for abundance, provision, safety, and love. You were made for such intimate friendship and communion with God that you walk with Him in perfect stride.

I’ve been praying a lot lately, asking the Lord to bring me back to the garden. That He brings me back to this closeness with Him. And, from one recovering sinner to the next, I want to share with you ways the Lord has shown me the garden recently. 

While I can’t say I’ve physically walked through it, I have felt the breeze of Eden in my life. Heaven is real and every time you pray the Our Father, you ask Him to bring Heaven down to earth (“on earth as it is in heaven”). I am not in Heaven yet, but I have experienced Heaven on Earth. 

  1. Become Vulnerable. In the Garden of Eden, mankind was naked and unashamed. When was the last time I allowed my heart to be exposed and vulnerable before the Lord? When was the last time I actually talked to Him about a place I don’t want to go? I’ve been asking God for the garden but holding back my nakedness from Him. I can’t visit the places I long to go if I don’t prepare my heart. The Lord wants all of me, even the hidden pieces I can’t go in alone. Yet, as scared as I am of these parts of me, He is not scandalized by my nakedness.

    Jesus Christ knew what it meant to be exposed, embarrassed, naked, mocked, ridiculed, attacked, rejected, and despised. He experienced the pain of exposure so we don’t have to feel it alone. Where haven’t you been your full self with Jesus? Where does He want to take you?

  2. Become Uncomfortable. In the Garden of Eden, there were no smartphones, Netflix, or online shopping. There was water and sky, trees and plants, moon and stars, birds and sea creatures. I’ve been asking God for the garden but have been locking myself inside distractions. How can I recognize the garden if I’m unable to recognize other parts of creation by the same Creator? God has a life of adventure for me outside the normal routine I place myself in.

    I’ve heard it said that faith is spelled r-i-s-k. There’s something risky about going outside of our normal routine. Jesus knew what it meant to risk it all for the sake of love—He knows how hard it is to do something risky. What more does He have for you outside your own plan?

  3. Become a Friend. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were friends of God. I’ve been asking God for the garden, but turn my back on His invitation to friendship. How could someone as sinful as I even consider such a title? But God has a plan for bringing me back to Him when I turn my back on His Son: Confession. 

    “The whole power of the sacrament of Penance consists in restoring us to God’s grace and joining us with Him in an intimate friendship,” (CCC 1468). More than anything, Jesus desires friendship with us—He calls us friends in John 15. And when we can’t call Him our friend, there is a sacrament of healing grace and mercy waiting for us. Where have you been denying the Lord’s friendship and mercy? 

  4. Rest. “On the seventh day, God finished all the work He had been doing and He rested,” (Genesis 2:2). In the Garden of Eden, there was an intentional rhythm of rest. God Himself values rest so much that one could say He even scheduled it in. I’ve been asking God for the garden, but haven’t made the time to rest with Him. Have you been taking time to rest with the Lord? 

On this road to healing, let’s keep stepping closer to the garden—it’s our home. Even if you don’t “feel it,” it’s where you belong. You belong in the garden.

Songs to Pray With

“Communion” by Maverick City

“Tend” by Bethel Music

“Rest” by Kari Jobe

“Springtime” by Chris Renzema

“Garden” by United Pursuit


One Step at a Time


Do You Want to be Healed?