5 Ways God Wants to Spend Time With You In This Season

*Disclaimer: These ideas are convictions I’ve had from the Lord lately. Pray with these ideas yourself to see what the Holy Spirit is calling you to.

I’m in a new season of life. I finished graduate school in May and began my first year of mission work. Although I know this is where the Lord wants me, sometimes it’s not really where I wanted myself to be. For months, I had been longing to go back home, and continue missionary service through coaching and ministry. But that’s not where the Lord wanted me. So although I obeyed and stayed put, I still kept asking, “Lord, why am I here?” 

One night on mission, I was walking back to my cabin around 11 PM asking myself this question. I had missed 1 or 2 of my cues during worship that night, and I didn’t quite hit the notes I meant to. In the meeting after, I was frustrated by what was said and felt super unseen. Beginning my walk back, I was met by two middle school boys who thought it was funny to run up behind people, screeching as loud as they could in their faces. I, unfortunately, was one of their victims. 

And it was here, in my frustration, disappointment, anger, and annoyance, that the Lord met me. I cried up to the stars begging, “Jesus, why am I here?” And in His sweet, loving voice, I heard Him say, “To spend more time with Me.”

Jesus revealed that night why He has me in the season I’m in: to spend more time with Him. He brought me through 10 weeks of summer camp, 4000+ campers encountering His love, numerous high adventure activities, dozens of bug bites, and mud in places I didn’t know mud could be. The time walking from activity to activity, the 3-minute speed showers, the powerful times of worship, and even the morning personal prayer where I’m fighting to stay awake - All of that, He loved every second, and He desires even more.

Has it ever occurred to you that maybe the Lord has allowed you to be in your current season just so you can spend time with Him? For my ladies in recovery, maybe He has allowed this season of your life so He can show you more of His heart and spend that healing time with you. We have a God who is jealous for time with us; Why not let Him in?

Here’s a list of 5 places God has been desiring to spend time with me in this current season of my life. Maybe He’s asking the same from you:

  1. Personal Prayer: Although I have time set aside to talk with the Lord daily, it’s been easy for me to go into personal prayer only giving Him what’s on the surface. But He’s been asking me to go deeper; He wants more of my heart, and He wants more of yours too.

  2. Right Before Bed: Every time I’ve been in a relationship, my significant other was always the last person I would talk to before going to bed. Why don’t I do that with Jesus? If He’s the One my heart really longs for, why isn’t He my last thought? Every night as I’m getting into bed, the Lord has asked me to read a tiny passage of Scripture, so that my last thought would be centered on His Word. 

  3. In the Workplace: Jesus has called me to the work I’m in because He desires to do that work with me. Do I invite His presence while I’m serving lunch to the kiddos? Do I recognize He is with me while I am facilitating activities? Do I save Him a seat when I enter into a meeting? 

  4. New Adventures: St. JPII said that “Life with Christ is a wonderful adventure,” and He desires to take us on many adventures. Whether that means ziplining, taking a walk in an unknown part of town, or entering into a new season of life, let’s make sure we’re focusing on allowing the Holy Spirit to prompt us to do things outside the ordinary for His glory.

  5. Rest: I don’t think the Lord will ever stop reminding me about the importance of a sabbath. But often times our hearts make sabbath into seclusion from everyone and everything, including Jesus. Do I allow the Lord to join me in the restful things? Do I allow the Lord to be my source of rest when I’m in a hectic situation? Do I seek to be comforted by the Lord or by simple pleasures to numb the hurt?

Time spent with the Lord is never time wasted - He desires to come close to us. Let Him join you for recovery.

“Come close to God, and God will come close to you.” - James 4:8


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